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Why Sustainability and ESG Reporting Are Essential for Every Business That Use Temporary and Contingent Labour
24 July 2024
Sustainability and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting have become more than just buzzwords - they're essential practices...
Crafting Success: The Art of Auditing Agencies in a GIG Economy World
17 July 2024
In today's rapidly evolving GIG economy, businesses are increasingly relying on temporary and contingent workers to meet their labour...

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Contingent and Agency Labour Cost Analysis: Spotting Overcharges from Recruitment Agencies
10 July 2024
Many organisations rely on contingent and temporary labour to maintain flexibility and meet fluctuating demands. While this strategy offers...
Maximising Flexibility: Why Neutral Vendor Managed Services Are a Game-Changer when Manging Temp Labour
3 July 2024
In today's challenging business landscape, flexibility is key to success. Companies need to adapt quickly to market changes, fluctuating...
Making a Neutral Vendor Managed Service Programme Work for Your Organisation
27 June 2024
Setting up a programme where you work with different vendors without any bias can be beneficial for your organisation. It can help you...
How Agency Audits Protect Your Business
19 June 2024
Many businesses are becoming increasingly reliant on agency labour to run their operations. Unfortunately, this kind of involvement carries...
How to Keep Your Temporary and Contingent Workforce Program Compliant and Auditable
12 June 2024
Temporary and contingent workforce programs are a necessary evil for many businesses across various sectors. They offer the flexibility to...
Controlling Temporary and Contingent Workforce Costs Through Rate Standardisation
5 June 2024
Managing the costs of a temporary and contingent workforce can be challenging. Fluctuating rates, multiple vendors, and varied job roles...
AI, MSPs and the Future of Temporary Labour: How Neutral Vendor MSPs Are Transforming Workforce Management in 2024
29 May 2024
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in workforce management is becoming increasingly...
Ensuring Compliance: How an Agency Labour Compliance Audit Can Be a Game Changer for Your Organisation
22 May 2024
Many organisations rely on agency labour to meet their resource needs. While there are clear benefits such as accessing specialised talent...

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