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Today’s Employee Benefits Have to Go Beyond Health and Pension

2 March 2022

Hiring the right employees isn’t always easy. Keeping them is an even greater challenge. But, if you treat them fairly and give them the very best, you will always have a team that has your back.

Today’s post touches on a few of the finer points of creating a comprehensive and attractive benefits plan so that you can onboard and retain the best of the best of the workforce.

The Basics

While your employees want more than health insurance and their pension, these are still highly appreciated benefits. Other offerings like improved employee discounts, learning and development budget and extra time off are also in demand. Ultimately, any benefit that you can provide that shows your employees that you are invested in them and not just what they can do for you will help you build a better relationship.

Keep in mind, though, that these are not the only benefits that modern employees want.

Health Beyond Great Insurance

Your employees don’t want to have to wait for long periods if they suffer an accident or illness. But, you’ll also serve them and yourself well by giving them benefits that help them keep their mental and physical health intact. A few ideas here include:

● On-site yoga classes. According to Shine Workplace Wellbeing, yoga relieves stress and can help boost productivity and employee focus.

● Access to telehealth services. Your employees don’t want to have to drive to the doctor every time they have a migraine or minor injury.

● Nutrition counseling. Let’s face it, we don’t always eat the way we should. This can result in obesity and a host of other issues. Give your employees the option to participate in free nutrition counseling sessions, and make sure to provide healthy snacks around the office, such as nuts, popcorn, and beef jerky to help bolster their healthy eating efforts.

● Gym memberships. For less than £50 per month, you can give your employees access to gym and leisure centers. You can encourage them to reach their health goals by staging friendly competitions between departments.

Priority Perks

In addition to benefits written into your employees' contracts, you might also consider offering a few “perks” to keep them happy on and off the clock. Ideas might include:

● Casual dress code. The days of the suit and tie in the office are long gone. While this type of attire may be appropriate for boardroom meetings, it might be in everyone’s best interest to adopt a more casual dress code for the 9-to-5. Relaxing clothing restrictions appeal to a younger workforce and can result in happier employees.

● Company swag. Everybody likes free stuff, and when your employees can show off where they work, even better. According to Thrive Hive, there are many advantages of giving out promotional items, including increasing brand recognition. But, be conscientious about what you offer your employees. Branded laptop bags, for example, can save them money if they take their computers back and forth from home to work. T-shirts, hoodies, and quality tumblers are all also welcome.

● Remote Work Stipend. If the bulk of your staff now work from home, it’s important to bear in mind the costs they incur to do so. Electricity, internet, a sustainable workspace and a comfortable desk and chair. With more companies saving money by offering remote work, you could offer a quarterly or monthly stipend for employees to put toward office improvements. If they match your offer, they could even make changes that enhance their home’s value, which underscores more employee loyalty.

● Monthly raffles. Monthly raffles are a fun way to encourage productivity. Consider letting your employees earn an entry for anything from time off to restaurant gift cards for completing projects on time or bringing in new customers.

Aside from the benefits you’re legally obligated to provide, there are lots of ways to show your staff you care. From the expected benefits, such as health insurance, to monthly drawings, the above are just a few ideas. Your benefits don’t have to cost an arm and a leg, but, remember, it’s almost always less expensive to keep a happy employee than it is to replace a dissatisfied worker.

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