Datum RPO Blog

How RPO Technology Benefits Your Business

Written by Jarrod Mollison | 22 Mar 2017

RPO technology enables you to gain control of your entire recruitment process, from order to invoice. By utilising RPO technology, you can benefit from an end-to-end recruitment solution that helps manage the process for you, freeing up your time to focus on what’s important to you – your core business.

Available 24/7 with zero down time, RPO technology provides results in real-time so you can stay at the top of your game. From cost control and allocation to consolidated invoicing, instant reporting and visibility of compliance items to ensure you keep up with Agency Worker Regulations, RPO technology gives you the tools you need to transform your recruiting.

If you want to collate CV details and generate shortlists, allow online timesheet authorization, you need to manage vacancies via an online job board or monitor agency performance by tracking response times, RPO technology can give you complete control.

What makes a good technology solution?

RPO technology is there to make your life easier and manage candidate data as effectively and efficiently as possible – so one of the most important things is that it’s user friendly. A good RPO technology solution should provide a clear process and be intuitive and easy to use without requiring extensive training. It’s all too common with technology solutions for users to get lost in the jargon – but a good RPO solution should have a standard, centralised control without having over-complicated and unnecessary functions.

The truth is in the results, and a good technology solution should deliver clear results that are both measurable and sustainable, allowing you to monitor your recruitment process and make changes where necessary. And the great thing is that with so many different types of RPO technology available, you can find the right solution that works for you.

What should it give you?

Your RPO technology solution should provide you with more than just management information; it should deliver manageable, sustainable results and complete visibility so that you can monitor how much you spend, where you spend it and how you can make savings.

The devil is in the detail, and your technology solution should provide you with real-time reporting so you can see what’s going on all the time – from time to hire to cost per hire, all the information should be easily available. RPO technology solutions should also be flexible, adapting to suit your needs and the complexity of your recruitment process.

Benefits of RPO technology

RPO technology provides a truly end-to-end recruitment solution, enabling you to efficiently manage the recruitment process across your entire business from one user-friendly interface. A list of the benefits includes:

1. Visibility and control

Real-time management information and reporting for full visibility and control so you can keep on top of everything at all times.

2. Legal compliance

Store information on your workers in one place, from DBS checks to rights to work so you can meet Agency Workers Regulations.

3. Improved performance

Benchmark levels of performance, check Service Level Agreements and audit your suppliers to check they are offering the best service.

4. Cost savings

Standardise pay rates, monitor National Insurance and holiday payments and consolidate invoices to deliver savings of 6-12%

5. Supplier management

Greater management of existing suppliers, taking into account process, financial stability, geographic capability and legal compliance.

5. Brand Management

Sstandardised engagement experience ensuring agency workers view your business in a positive light, and have the best possible experience, consistent with your own brand values.


What services can be supported using RPO technology?

From talent banking to application management and interview scheduling to information on regulations, RPO technology acts as your one point of call for all your recruitment needs. Whether you are on-boarding 50 or 500 staff, choosing the right technology can not only help you to transform your recruitment process, but can also benefit your offering as a whole.

Different types of software

The most difficult part of RPO technology is choosing the right solution from the many different types of software available. In order to choose the right technology solution for you, ask yourself the following questions:

Will I be managing temporary and contract workers?

If you are dealing with temporary workers, you will need an RPO solution to help you manage hours, process timesheets and keep up to date with compliance checks, as well as a powerful management information system so you can have complete visibility of every agency, worker and cost.

What if I’m managing permanent workers?

If you are managing permanent positions, your technology needs will be different. Your solution should help you to manage entire recruitment campaigns, tracking response rates application management as well as ensuring your suppliers are sourcing the best calibre of candidates at a competitive price.

But what if I’m managing both?

You might find that if you are managing both temporary and permanent workers you may need to consider
two different systems to ensure you are getting the most out of your RPO technology. Although it seems counter intuitive, temporary and permanent recruitment processes are very different, it is always better to use more than one software solution to ensure you are getting the best results, rather than hoping for a one- size-fits-all solution.

How many staff am I looking to on-board?

One of the most important points to consider when choosing an RPO technology is how many people you are looking to on-board. The right RPO technology will give you access to a suitable pool of candidates so you can boost or scale down your staff depending on your needs.

What feature is most important to me?

Some platforms are good for talent banking, some are better at liaising with suppliers and some excel at compliance management. By looking at what is most important to your business, you can ensure you choose the right technology solution for you.

In order to get the most out of your RPO technology, you need to carefully consider the options available before making a decision. Depending on the type of workers you recruit or how much you need to scale your workforce up or down, there are a number of technology solutions out there to ensure you get the right fit for your business.
It can be difficult to find a solution that ticks all the boxes, and if you need multiple systems, using a dedicated RPO provider with access to a number of different software solutions might be the answer. 


To find out more about RPO technology by downloading our full guide, or view our full range of expert publications.


About Datum RPO

Datum RPO are experts in recruitment process outsourcing and handle the entire recruitment process for some of the UK’s biggest companies.

As experts in procuring and managing temporary and contract agency labour, we provide a complete Recruitment Process Outsourcing service that helps our customers become more efficient, whilst delivering savings of up to 12% on existing spend.

Find out more about the Datum RPO difference at www.datumrpo.com