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Controlling Temporary and Contingent Workforce Costs Through Rate Standardisation

5 June 2024

Managing the costs of a temporary and contingent workforce can be challenging. Fluctuating rates, multiple vendors, and varied job roles can make it hard to keep track of cost. But there's a solution: rate standardisation. This approach can help you control costs, streamline processes, and ensure consistency across your workforce program. Here’s how you can do it.

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What is Rate Standardisation?

Rate standardisation involves setting consistent pay rates for similar job roles and skill levels across your temporary and contingent workforce. Instead of negotiating rates individually with each vendor or contractor, you establish a standard rate that applies universally. This simplifies budgeting, enhances transparency, and helps you avoid overpaying..

Benefits of Rate Standardisation

1. Cost Control

By standardising rates, you gain better control over your costs. You can predict costs more accurately and prevent spiralling spending. This makes budgeting easier and helps you stay within financial limits.

2. Transparency

Standardised rates bring transparency to your workforce management. Everyone knows what to expect, and there are no hidden costs. This builds trust with your vendors and contingent workers and ensures fairness in pay.

3. Simplified Administration

Managing multiple pay rates can be a logistical nightmare. Rate standardisation simplifies administrative tasks, reducing the time and effort needed to process payroll and manage contracts. This efficiency allows your team to focus on more strategic initiatives.

4. Vendor Management

When you standardise rates, you level the playing field for all vendors. This encourages healthy competition based on the quality of service rather than cost alone. It also makes it easier to compare vendor performance and make informed decisions about who to partner with.

Steps to Implement Rate Standardisation

1. Assess Current Rates

Start by reviewing the current pay rates for your temporary and contingent workforce. You need to do this anyway to ensure that you comply with the Agency Workers Regulations (AWR). Identify discrepancies and understand the reasons behind them. This will give you a clear picture of where standardisation is needed.

2. Benchmark Industry Standards

Research industry benchmarks for similar roles and skill levels. This ensures your standardised rates are competitive and attractive to top talent. Use reliable sources such as industry reports, salary surveys, and consulting firms.

3. Define Standard Rates

Based on your assessment and benchmarking, define standard rates for each job role and skill level. Ensure these rates are fair and reflect the market value of the work being performed. Consider factors such as location, experience, and job complexity.

 4. Communicate with Stakeholders

Clearly communicate the new standardised rates to all stakeholders, including vendors, contingent workers, and internal teams. Explain the benefits and how the changes will be implemented. Transparency is key to gaining buy-in and ensuring a smooth transition.

5. Monitor and Adjust

Once implemented, regularly monitor the impact of rate standardisation on your workforce costs. Collect feedback from vendors and workers to identify any issues or areas for improvement. Be prepared to adjust rates as needed to remain competitive and fair.

……Or Simply Partner with a Neutral Vendor Managed Service Provider

While implementing rate standardisation independently can bring significant benefits, partnering with a neutral vendor managed service provider can make the process even more seamless and effective. A neutral vendor acts as an intermediary between your organisation and various staffing agencies, ensuring that all aspects of workforce management are handled efficiently and fairly.

How a Neutral Vendor Managed Service Provider Can Help:

Expertise in Rate Standardisation:  Neutral vendors have extensive experience in setting and managing standardised rates across different roles and industries. They can benchmark rates accurately and ensure they are competitive and fair.
Enhanced Cost Control: With a neutral vendor, you can gain better visibility and control over your workforce spending. They provide detailed analytics and reporting, helping you identify cost-saving opportunities and manage your budget effectively.
Streamlined Administration: A neutral vendor manages all administrative tasks related to your contingent workforce, from onboarding to payroll processing. This reduces the burden on your internal HR team and ensures compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.
Improved Vendor Management: Neutral vendors work with multiple staffing agencies, ensuring that you get the best talent at standardised rates. They manage vendor relationships and performance, allowing you to focus on strategic priorities.

Consistency and Compliance: Neutral vendors ensure that all contingent workers are treated fairly and paid consistently, adhering to your standardised rates and compliance requirements. This reduces the risk of legal issues and enhances transparency.

And last but not least….

Rate standardisation is a powerful tool for controlling the costs of your temporary and contingent workforce. By setting consistent pay rates, you can enhance cost control, improve transparency, and simplify administration. Implementing standardised rates may require effort and adjustment, but the long-term benefits are well worth it.

For a hassle-free approach, consider partnering with a neutral vendor managed service provider. They bring expertise, efficiency, and comprehensive management to your workforce program, ensuring you achieve all the benefits of rate standardisation with minimal effort.

Ready to take control of your workforce costs? Start standardising your rates today and partner with a neutral vendor to make workforce management smarter and simpler! 



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