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Your Complete Guide to Mitigating Modern Slavery.
UK Parliament introduced the Modern Slavery Act in 2015 (MSA) with hopes
of fighting crimes of corporate slavery and human trafficking in the UK.
Since its introduction, the number of prosecutions under the law has grown year
on year (in 2017, 130 defendants were prosecuted, as opposed to 51 in 2016)
but modern slavery is still prevalent in the UK, with most large companies
not even aware that it exists in their supply chain.
We’ve developed an action list for SME’s and large businesses, if your
company hasn’t done so already, we strongly recommend following the steps in this guide.
The following guide includes:
- An introduction to Modern Slavery in the UK
- UK Modern Slavery in Numbers Infographic
- GLAA Modern Slavery Video
- GLAA Horse Trading Video
- Mitigating against Modern Slavery checklist
- Developing an anti-slavery and human trafficking statement
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