Datum RPO Blog

Should it be illegal for your boss to contact you outside office hours?

Written by Datum RPO | 10 May 2023

France made headlines a few years ago for prohibiting bosses from emailing employees after hours, on weekends, and during employee holidays. This new law was satirised in the hit show Emily in Paris, and Portugal has now passed a similar law.

When you think about it, most of us work 8 hours a day, rest 5 hours in the evening, and sleep 6-7 hours (which is required for mental wellness and proper cognitive functioning), with only 25 days a year for proper play, time off, and switching off completely from work. So, is it wrong for our bosses to contact us after hours?

The modern workforce is highly connected and increasingly mobile. With the advent of smartphones, laptops, and other portable computing devices, it has become easier than ever for employers to reach their employees at any time, day or night. However, this level of connectivity has also led to concerns about work-life balance and the impact that being constantly connected to work can have on employees.

One of the most pressing questions in this area is whether it should be illegal for bosses to contact their employees outside of office hours. Supporters of such a law argue that it is necessary to protect employee rights and promote a healthy work-life balance.

One of the most significant impacts of being constantly connected to the workplace is the effect it can have on employee well-being. Studies have shown that employees who are required to be always available to their bosses are more likely to experience burnout, stress, and other negative health outcomes. These negative outcomes can have significant consequences for both employees and employers, as they can lead to reduced productivity, increased absenteeism, and higher turnover rates.

Furthermore, employees who are always connected to work can find it difficult to maintain healthy boundaries between their professional and personal lives. This can result in disrupted sleep, decreased physical activity, and reduced time spent engaging in social activities. As a consequence, some people argue that limiting bosses' ability to contact their employees outside of office hours would improve employees' quality of life and help to promote a better work-life balance.

Another argument in favour of such a law is that it could help to reduce the perceived power imbalance between employees and their bosses. When bosses are continually contacting their employees outside of working hours, it can create a sense of obligation on the part of the employee to respond promptly. This can make it difficult for employees to feel comfortable disconnecting from work, even when they are not on the clock. By implementing a law that limits bosses' ability to contact their employees outside of office hours, it could help reduce this apparent power dynamic and promote a more equitable relationship between employees and their bosses.

On the other hand, there are also some drawbacks to implementing such a law. One of the most significant concerns is that it could limit the ability of companies to respond quickly to emergencies or other time-sensitive events. If bosses are restricted from contacting employees outside of working hours, it could make it much more challenging to respond quickly to urgent situations that require immediate attention. This could potentially result in increased risk to employees or the general public, depending on the nature of the event.

Furthermore, some workers may prefer to be able to work outside of traditional office hours. This may be because they have personal commitments that make it difficult to work during regular business hours or because they simply prefer to work during non-traditional times. By limiting bosses' ability to contact their employees outside of office hours, it could limit the flexibility that employees have to work when they want to.

The bottom line

In conclusion, while a law that limits bosses' ability to contact their employees outside office hours would undoubtedly have some benefits in promoting greater work-life balance and reduced stress amongst employees, it would also come with some drawbacks, like for example- companies may struggle to respond quickly to emergencies, and workers may lose flexibility in terms of when and where they work. Ultimately, any decision to implement such a law would depend on a careful weighing of the pros and cons, as well as an in-depth analysis of the specific needs and concerns of individual businesses and their employees.