Datum RPO Blog

How to Change Your Mindset for More Positive Outcomes

Written by Datum RPO | 05 Apr 2023

According to some studies, personality traits like optimism and pessimism can have an impact on many aspects of your health and well-being. Effective mood and stress management relies heavily on the optimistic mindset that it brings with it. Numerous health advantages are linked to effective mindset management. Don't lose hope if you have a tendency to be pessimistic; positive thinking techniques can be learned.

Life will always have its ups and downs. You’ll have good days and bad days,  even if you choose to think positively but how you approach the situation can have a huge impact in your experience.  Simply put, positive thinking entails taking an upbeat and constructive approach to unpleasant situations. You anticipate the best, not the worst, happening.

Self-talk is frequently the first step toward positive thinking. Self-talk is the constant, unspoken dialogue that takes place in your head. There are both positive and negative automatic thoughts. Your self-talk contains some elements of logic and reason. Other self-talk might result from assumptions you make as a result of incomplete knowledge or anticipations brought on by preconceived notions of what might occur.

Your outlook on life is more likely to be negative if the majority of your thoughts are negative. You probably identify as an optimist, or someone who engages in positive thinking, if the majority of your thoughts are positive.

To change your mindset to a more positive one, here are a few strategies:

1. Surround yourself with positive people

Choose your friends wisely because a supportive social circle can serve as an echo chamber for your goals.Look for individuals who embody the values you want to uphold. Connecting with more upbeat individuals will get simpler as your own mind begins to shift.

2. Adopt a healthy way of life

Eating healthily, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and avoiding harmful levels of alcohol and other drugs can help you keep your mental health on track, manage symptoms of depression and anxiety, and improve your overall wellbeing.

3. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness in positive psychology research. Gratitude assists people in feeling more positive emotions, appreciating good experiences, improving their health, dealing with adversity, and developing strong relationships.

4. Embrace humour and laugh out loud

Allow yourself to smile or laugh, especially during difficult times. Look for the humour in everyday events. You feel less stressed when you can laugh at yourself. Watch comedies and laugh out loud. Laughter increases your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs, and muscles, and raises endorphin levels in your brain. Activate and then deactivate your stress response.

5. Practice self-care

It has been clinically demonstrated that practicing self-care routines can lessen or even eliminate anxiety and depression, as well as lower stress levels and boost happiness. It can aid in your ability to adjust to change, forge solid relationships, and bounce back from failure.

Are you ready to shift to a more positive mindset?